To Former and New Members:
Thank you for being a member of the South County Democratic Club and we pray you remain safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic that is sweeping the country. Our next SCDC meeting will be held in late September 2020. However, in the interim we will keep you abreast of various activities and the current state of affairs in Maryland, relative to the Democratic Party.
Our current Officers are:
President: Dr. Juanita Miller
Vice President: Tamara Davis Brown, Esq.
Treasurer: Mirinda Jackson
Secretary: Mary McIver
Membership Co-Chairs: Rita Henry and Norma & Nickens-Ijadunola
As of the date of this notice, all memberships have expired. Therefore, we are encouraging you to continue to support our Club by updating/renewing your membership. Please send your dues ($10.00 total) for the Calendar Year 2020 to:
South County Democratic Club
Post Office Box 717
Clinton, MD 20735
Make checks/money orders payable to South County Democratic Club.
Finally during this isolation period, start considering nominations of people (including yourself) you would like to serve as officers for our Club. Also, feel free to invite others to join our Club and to visit our webpage which will be updated regularly.
If you have any questions, or need additional information please feel free to reach out to me by responding to me at or to Mirinda Jackson, our treasurer at
Thank you in advance for your prompt response.
Juanita Miller